On Sunday mornings, our Kindergarten through Second Grade kids enjoy an awesome Kids’ Church in the gym each week. It is a great time for them to run and get the energy out after having a great Sunday School lesson. After running those wigglies out, it’s time to pick up the gym and get ready for our Kids’ Church worship time!

That’s when it happens! It can be the weirdest thing to those that are not accustomed to being in the gym. As I reach for the microphone and announce that it is time to begin our lesson, an incredible phenomenon happens that on occasion even surprises this parent of four kids.

The KIDS sprint to pick up the various types of balls and hula hoops and bring them to the ball room door marked with an “A”. Three of our older Second Graders grab the red ball bags and cull out the different types of ball for each bag. Then another set of leader-kids grab the hula hoops and put them in their bags. Those kids that didn’t “make the cut” in the pick-up routine make their way to sit in front of the stage. All of this is done in just a matter of minutes! Something that would NEVER happen at home without coercion and possibly rewards.

But that’s just the beginning!

As the adult leader of the Kids’ Church worship time, I move to the stage and begin welcoming the large group of 50-60 kids. At that moment, we have preteens… actually 4th through 7th graders… moving into place. Two of our preteens move to the computer and sound board. Two or three preteens spread out and sit among the mostly quiet (I said it was weird!) kids on the gym floor. Kids that are a little active may even get a little extra attention from their older friend – not by my request but their caring attitude!

As I introduce the song, it begins to play on the projector screen. Other preteens jump into action leading the group in motions – even the guy preteens – and the rest of the kids follow along.

Need a drink of water or a restroom break? Yes, preteens jump up and walk the kids to that area of the gym while encouraging others to keep their focus.

When we play games, the preteens lead the game using the microphone. Many times, we have played “Brooks says” or “Sharks and Minnows” while I am free to encourage those kids that are not as comfortable in the large group action. Want to play grab on to the leader, tag, or seek to aggravate others? Well, it’s the Fourth Grade leader springing into action to encourage you to jump into the group game and care well for our friends.

Time for pickup and Tiny needs to be at the door for parents to show their tags, and where are the preteens? Right! They are continuing to lead games, encouraging interaction, and… thanking our guests for coming! What!?! Where was that in the lesson or the rules I gave them at the beginning of the day? It wasn’t but that’s who they are.

Better yet, want to get a recap of the previous lessons? Yep, you guessed it. Just ask one of the kids to take the mic and lead the discussion. They can tell you about Abraham and the generations that followed, about Elijah and the prophets of Baal, and definitely about Jesus and His love for everyone. Sometimes, I have to beg to get the mic back… or I just sit and listen to the Gospel being preached by a waist-high theologian.

But these are the kids who are supposed to sit down, be quiet, and listen to the adult lead a lesson. One day when they become adults, they may be asked to help lead in Kids’ Church. Of course, they are the “church of tomorrow” if they act right between now and then…

No, no, no! They are the church of today! I don’t see anywhere in the Bible where it gives an age as to when our youngsters can help. “Let the kids come to me when they are old enough and sat through enough of our lessons”, Jesus did NOT say. He also didn’t say, “Silly boy, take your fishy Happy Meal and go home. This is adult time for the 5,000-plus.” And furthermore, God probably would have had David’s stone DOINK off of Goliath’s noggin instead of taking him down if God thought David needed to be older to make a difference.

But they don’t. Woodridge, our kids are becoming leaders right now. They are the church today just as much as our charter members are. Many of our kids would even challenge us as adults to not just bring friends to church but more importantly tell them about Jesus! When is the last time you told a friend about Jesus? Many of our preteens may have a more recent answer.

This last summer, we took 14 of our preteens on the Leaders in Training Mission Trip where they did just that! FOUR kids accepted Christ and several other families began attending church. In a recent text I received, I was informed that the church we were working through “has seen a huge growth of 30+ kids in their Kids’ ministry” since the mission trip at the end of June.

Folks, kids have taken over the Kids’ Church! They are taking over as leaders in their church groups, Sunday School classes, and our special events. Even more so, they are taking their faith to their friends and taking over telling this community about their Lord. They are armed with the armor of God they practice reciting on Wednesday nights. They have learned the Gospel message through Mrs. Angie and Mrs. Candi’s VBS teaching. They know the books of the Bible and are part of the Route 66 Club through Mr. Bob’s class. And they have learned to love others through Mrs. Beth’s encouragement.

Now they are taking on telling the world about Him. Let us be excited. Let us also be challenged! The kids are reaching out and calling our community to Christ. Let us as adults seek to do the same!

Chris “Tiny” Seely
Children’s Pastor

Published On: October 16th, 2023Categories: Children

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