
At Least We Have Hope

November 8th, 2021|Pastoral|

Besides reading and hearing about how many have become hopeless or feel hopeless, I have also had more and more conversations about how people feel hopeless. I hear how Society is going in the wrong direction, and our morals and values are trampled upon, and our way of life is being destroyed or hindered somehow. Unfortunately, what is surprising about these conversations and the articles of hopelessness is that Christians are saying they are hopeless and that the world is hopeless. The people who are called to be the people full of hope and love are the same ones [...]

Between Those Pages

June 7th, 2021|From the Gallery|

My Bible is literally falling apart. I have repaired the edges with washi tape and stuffed the pages back in place in the back. But this Bible is a comfort to me. I can look through the chapters and see a date beside a verse that is underlined and the notes that remind me what God was walking us through at the time or a lesson that we were learning. I can see the pain But, I need a new cover or to replace my Bible. Over the past three decades, my history with God is tucked in between [...]

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